Find out how to get support for mental health.
Get support without seeing a GP
You may get help sooner if you use the below services. You do not need to see a GP first.
steps2wellbeing Southampton and Dorset
We accept referrals from anyone over the age of 18 who is registered at a Dorset or Southampton City GP. Alternatively you can refer yourself by phoning us. Click here for more information about the referral process. If you are under 18 and registered with a Dorset GP please need to be redirected to the Childhood Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS Dorset)
Telephone: Please see website for your local centre.
Find out about steps2wellbeing Southampton and Dorset
Christchurch mental health services
You can browse Christchurch’s services directory below.
using Christchurch mental health services
Independent Mental health advocacy
South West Advocacy Network (SWAN) is a charity specialising in delivering independent advocacy.
If you are being detained under the Mental Health Act, you are legally entitled to support from an Independent Mental Health Advocate.
See things that Independent Mental health advocacy can help with
- help you understand your rights
- access information about your treatment
- understand how to raise concerns about your experience and care
- plan for your care
- request a review of your section
- prepare and support you during meetings with medical and care staff
using Independent Mental health advocacy
If you need urgent help
NHS urgent mental health helplines are for people of all ages. You can:
- get 24-hour advice and support – for you or someone else
- speak to a mental health professional
- get advice on the best way to get help
Find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline
Request an appointment at the surgery
If the services above are not suitable, you can request an appointment with a doctor or nurse at the surgery.