Can you help take part in this study?

Highcliffe Medical Centre is a local hub for the national HARMONIE study, and we are proud that Christchurch Medical Practice are also supporting this medical research.

The HARMONIE study has been featured in the national news and aims to help protect babies from respiratory infections in the future.

The HARMONIE Research studyfollows on from other research studies which have been completed and is looking at how strongly babies can be protected from serious illness due to RSV infection (respiratory syncytial virus) by giving them a single antibody to fight RSV.

This preventative solution is the result of many years of research by Sanofi and AstraZeneca and has already been given to more than 3,000 babies. Several Studies have been completed and have shown this antibody dose to work well. The antibody provides direct protection against RSV in one dose.

The objective of the HARMONIE study is to further assess the impact on hospitalisations due to RSV with more babies involved. 

To find out more and to sign up please visit: www.rsvharmoniestudy.com/en-gb

Published on 6 December 2022