Update on Burton Surgery

As we have previously published on our website (https://www.christchurchmedicalpractice.nhs.uk/about-us/news/1459/ ) part of our plans for the future will see the Burton Surgery site closing.

The anticipated closure date for Burton Surgery is 30 August 2024 and we do not currently expect this to change.

We would like to reassure patients registered with the Christchurch Medical Practice that services will continue as normal for the time being and that they do not currently need to do anything to continue to access services; they will also remain patients and do not need to re-register on the closure of the Burton site.

There has been incorrect information circulating locally. Given this we would ask people to contact the practice directly if they have any questions in order to help ensure patients and other local residents are receiving the correct information leading up to the closure.

 We will not be commenting further on the future use of the site.




Published on 7 June 2024